(281) 987-5960
Opening Hours : 08:00AM TO 08:00PM (Central Time)
700 Louisiana St., Ste. 3950, Houston,TX 77002
Vitality Water Systems is committed to help consumers learn about the most important substance you can put in your body… WATER!
Our VWS system water treatment softens water naturally without the use of salts or potassium
Our system leaves all the good minerals in, uses the right filters to treat your home depending on your location and water type. (Not every location gets the same filters).
Water from your tap is laden with all forms of organic and inorganic chemicals and is energetically 'dead' from its long-enclosed journey from reservoir to you via steel, concrete, plastic and copper pipe. It is the job of your system to revive it to bring it back to life.
together bring you that peace of mind that you are doing the best for yourself and your loved ones.